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  • Writer's pictureSydney Davis

Wisdom from a Baby

Updated: Aug 14, 2023

Being around a new baby these past 5 months has been a great reminder for me about simple life lessons. I thought I would dedicate this newsletter to those truths that may help all of us feel a bit more comforted, grounded, and aware.

Baby Coleman has rocked our universe in the best possible ways. We live for making him

smile, hearing him coo or goo, and fighting over who gets to hold him. The best part of all of this is that he just does nothing – he just exists and responds at the moment. Something that becomes increasingly difficult as we get older. So, here are my observations and things I am learning every time I get to be with this special little nougat:

Eating and sleeping well can completely determine our mood. Do everything in your power to protect your sleep and your diet and never underestimate their influence in your life.

You can have a great day filled with love and adventure and never leave your house.

Smiling and laughing are simple and contagious. Find ways to do more of both.

We all carry energy inside of us – sometimes we need to move, shake, or make sounds but energy is meant to move through us and not get stuck. Change your position whenever necessary.

Farting, burping, hiccups or even pooping so much it gets everywhere (and even on your grandpa) can all be fine and managed without shame. They are the human processes that remind us we are alive. And they make for humorous stories later… (see earlier note about laughing often)

Fashion matters – always look your best. Outfits can be memorable but also need to be comfortable. (And it is a great thing that we no longer need to have snaps inside our pants)

It is important to know how to entertain yourself. Put your focus on the simple things that fascinate you – a bird outside, your own finger in your mouth, or the sound of your mom’s voice and enjoy each small moment and celebrate all 5 of your senses.

Sometimes we are a big mess physically or emotionally – we have blueberries all over our face or we just need to cry really loud - and thankfully we don’t stay that way for too long – life moves fast and circumstances change. It’s all part of living.

And last but perhaps the most important of all…

Surround yourself with fans who love you no matter what – folks who want to do anything to keep you safe, and happy and adore you…people who are smarter than you, have your best interests at heart, and make taking care of you a priority.

These are the best lessons I am learning from sweet baby C!

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